For most of us, April is the fresh start for warmer weather. Between some nice days and some not so nice days, it’s time to get a head start on the boating season! This month, it’s time to focus on getting boats ready so boating season can begin!
Time to upgrade that old flooring… There are countless pontoons still cruising the lake with carpet, and it has GOT to go. The sparkling new G-Floor® Outdoor & Marine will take any boat to the next level. Add value and reduce maintenance for years to come. With reasonable mechanical skills and a few extra people, installation is easy, and there are many videos online to help any DIYer. If not, make an appointment with a dealer, and be sure to specify G-Floor Outdoor & Marine for amazing results.
Next to accomplish is cleaning the boat and treating the seats. Over time the aluminum on pontoons tends to dull. For some, leaving their boat in the water all summer long is their only option. In that case, lots of marine buildup below the waterline tends to accumulate. With a few hours of labor and the right cleaning products, say goodbye to the grime. There are several products, such as Toon-Brite™ or Star Brite® aluminum cleaner, that will help out. For the seats, a regular vinyl treatment should be used throughout the year; however, if that hasn’t been the case, it’s time to start. Give the seats a thorough clean, followed by some vinyl protectant and stay away from Mr. Clean® Magic Erasers… according to various horror stories. MiracleMist is great for removing mildew.
Safety equipment and a gas check! Is the fire extinguisher fully charged? Are there an adequate number of life vests? Do the lights and horn work? Now is the time to replace or repair any of these items. It is not uncommon to carry gas over from one season to the next. Hopefully, you planned ahead and treated your gas with a fuel stabilizer. If you forgot to do this, consider disposing of the fuel in your tank. If choosing to dispose of the gas, make sure you use a pump or siphon that is designed to handle gas. Bad gas is a huge cause of engine issues. Do yourself a favor and always burn good gas.
Finally, service engine and a final wash! Launch into the water with a crystal clean boat that glistens along the water. Use a marine specific wax, mild soap, and a little elbow grease. G-Floor Outdoor & Marine can be power washed, scrubbed, and wiped down without ruining it’s beautiful construction.
Knock these off your checklist in April and get ready for all the fun to come!