G‑Floor® proudly announces its recent accolades featured in the March 2019 issue of Hemmings Motor News. G‑Floor vinyl rollout mats were the only rollout garage floor mats to receive mention in this issue of Hemmings Motor News as part of its Ultimate Home Garage series entitled “Setting Up A Working Garage.”
Hemmings Motor News, considered “The bible” of the collector car hobby since 1954, publishes a monthly magazine catering to traders and collectors of antique, classic and exotic sports cars. It is the largest and oldest publication of its kind in the United States.
The article outlines ideas for classic car buffs to create a workspace suitable for restoring their vintage automobiles. Below are the highlights of the magazine’s “Outfitting Insights.”
Hemmings writer Terry McGean has this to say…
“Plenty of functional shops still have bare concrete underfoot, but from our experience, nothing transforms a cold, stark building like some sort of floor covering.” McGean discusses floor covering options such as epoxy coatings, and less permanent options like garage floor tiles and roll-out matting.
“A bare concrete floor provides a solid foundation for getting work done but may not be the most attractive or inviting surface. Concrete can also stain from oil spills and other automotive fluid messes. Plus, from experience, we know that a shop with some sort of floor covering just seems like a more inviting place to set to work.”
Here’s where he talks specifically about G‑Floor garage flooring by name:
“An alternative to epoxy is garage floor matting, which usually comes as a simple roll-out product… We’ve had a section of G‑Floor matting in one area of our shop for nearly a decade that is still in great shape.”
Hemmings and McGean suggest another great option for workshop and garage flooring: heavy duty garage tiles. Most of these tiles are rated to handle significant weight and allows for easy rolling of shelving and equipment on casters. McGean touts the tiles ease of installation, ability to alternate colors and the DIY trim-to-fit simplicity of fitting odd shaped areas.